‘Neoliberalism’ has given globalization a bad name. But the ‘age’ after World War II has also produced ‘détente’ – ironic word – the disappearance of ‘blocks’ and triggered the elimination of many obstacles to exchange the massive facilitation of all forms of global interaction.
Individual lives do not ‘take place’ in a single geographical location, their episodes are increasingly dispersed. It is only logical that this revolution also demands a new type of biography: not a linear narrative based on sequential chapters, but a layering of simultaneous lives that are now lived in a range of fundamentally different cultures and environments, each engagement profound enough to require its own examination.
In that case, the single memoir becomes an implausible model, it needs to be replaced by a cluster – memoir… a stacking of almost independent stories that reconstruct the internal coherence, causalities, influences, encounters of each separate life.
This is the initial hypothesis on which this course is based. Out of a potential maximum of 10, it will focus on “3 lives”, on Germany, France and Russia and inventorize and interpret the experiences, characters, precedents, traditions, practices, histories in each, as crucial components of a new kind of cumulative identity.
Course Requirements:
Students are required to attend all lectures and submit a term project.
Lectures: To receive credit for the course, students are required to attend three scheduled lectures on April 6, 13, and 27 from 8:00 to 10:00 AM EST. Students interested in enrolling should ensure that they are able to attend all lectures. This course is not open for auditing.
Term Project: Students will develop an original geaugraphic project to be submitted at the end of the term. Students will conduct an exercise in architectural and urban research, taking their local context as subject. Students will devise and present a theoretical explication of their local conditions and their own synthesis of its “uniqueness”. Further details to follow.
If you are interested in enrolling in this 1-unit course, you should add the course to your Crimson Cart. You will officially be enrolled in the course at a later date, and you will not need to file a petition to exceed maximum units if this course would put you over your limit. However, students who enroll in this course would be charged extra tuition if they would exceed the following units by degree program:
20 – MDES
22 – MDE
24 – all other GSD programs
If you are a concurrent student, you would be considered among those who would be charged extra tuition if this course would mean that you would exceed 24 units.
As it is a module 2 course, please be sure that you have added this to your Crimson Cart by March 29.
This one-unit course will consist of three lectures over the course of the term. Lectures are schedule on April 6, 13 and 20 from 8:00 to 10:00 AM EST.