Grassroots Organizing for Climate Change – Participatory Planning for the Boston Living with Water Competition – CANCELED
Instructor: Jamie Blosser, Loeb 2015
Max Enrollment: 20
Date/Time: Jan 12/ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: Gund 112
Description: Innovative design ideas to address climate change cannot be implemented without meaningful citizen participation and policy changes that work at a grassroots social and economic level. Loeb Fellow Jamie Blosser will present this day long workshop, using the Boston Living with Water Competition as a platform to develop a proposal for how grassroots organizing can enable innovative design and empower residents.
The morning will begin with a site tour to situate the competition sites within a community and historic context. (9am – 12pm)
(2 pm-6pm) Back at Gund Hall, Jamie will present various community engagement tools as a framework for effectively combining excellent design and grassroots organizing. Drawing upon the work of the Center for Urban Pedagogy, the remainder of the afternoon will include a hands on workshop focused on how visual literacy can spur citizen action on climate change, and specific outreach tools that may be effective in the context of climate change.
GSD students in all academic tracks are welcome. This course is offered in conjunction with Thaddeus Pawlowski’s JTerm course Boston Living with Water, Research Workshop, but it is not required to take both courses or plan to enter the competition.