High-rise / High-density
We are interested in questions of housing in the city and, in this instance, in how an American typology – the high-rise multi-story apartment building – can be re-appraised and applied to an existing urban situation as a strategy of densification and consolidation.
The semester programme will be structured around four components that will result in an overall understanding of the questions that the theme (high-rise, high-density) demands.
To begin with you will be required to study existing examples of this building type. Working in Boston, sites will be selected to develop multi-storey building proposals that must be sensitive to their context and you will be asked to make an argument for how they can be reasonably situated in the city.
Later in the semester we invite you to consider the nature of the public spaces in your building, how the building meets the city and how the common parts are organised. Ideas for apartments will need to be developed anticipating how they might be inhabited.
The final component of the work will require you to develop a concept for the facade and to consider the building’s material language.
A study trip to New York will be organised to study seminal examples of high-rise buildings, and lectures on the theme under investigation will be offered over the course of the semester.
Irregular Schedule: This studio will irregularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Friday 24 January
Jonathan Sergison at Harvard
Studio presentation and initial studio meeting
Tuesday 28 January:
Jonathan Sergison and Stephen Bates Skype tutorials
Wednesday 5 February
No tutorials
Tuesday 11 – Wednesday 12 February
Stephen Bates at Harvard
Wednesday 19 February
Stephen Bates Skype tutorials
Monday 24 -Thursday 27 February
Stephen Bates
Study trip to New York
Wednesday 5 March
Stephen Bates Skype tutorials
Wednesday 12 March
Stephen Bates Skype tutorials
Monday 17 -Friday 21 March
Spring recess
Tuesday 25 – Wednesday 26 March
Jonathan Sergison & Stephen Bates at Harvard
Wednesday 2 April
Jonathan Sergison Skype tutorials
Wednesday 9 April
Jonathan Sergison Skype tutorials
Wednesday 16 April
Jonathan Sergison Skype tutorials
Tuesday 22 – Wednesday 23 April
Jonathan Sergison at Harvard
Wednesday 30 April
Jonathan Sergison Skype tutorials
Tuesday 6 – Wednesday 7 May
Jonathan Sergison & Stephen Bates at Harvard for final reviews