Introduction to Graphic Design
Introduction to Graphic Design is an intensive twelve week course that formats lectures and studio classes to engage students in the practical applications of graphic design. The format allows students to respond to lectures and course material as it is presented with studio projects. The course addresses the issues of overall visual literacy and the ever changing role of the architect and planner. In addition to the traditional elements of graphic design – typography, image use, color and production – reading, research, and critique create a discourse on the effects of graphic design and a consideration of its meaning in a cultural context. History lectures and readings expose students to some of the overlaps, influences, and patterns in modern and contemporary design, while technical lectures explain basic production and printing procedures. Lectures include presentations of examples of magazine, catalogue, book, portfolio design, packaging, websites, and film and television titles.Practical demonstrations show similar working methods to architecture, showing the consideration and presentation of ideas, the process of sketches, mock ups, revisions, materials, details, finish, manufacture, and production. The development and design of a research essay demonstrates the importance of integration of content and design. This final assignment concentrates student\’s efforts on the ability to edit and the importance of the assembly and the consideration of the presentation of projects.Pedagogic Objective: To explore the culture and potential of graphic design, and to evaluate the ideas behind and created and engaged by it.Time Commitment: Three hours of studio/lecture per week.Basis of Final Grade: Quality of ideas and their execution and an evaluation of dedication of the student. Grades are based on two projects, a book report, and final essay document.