Los Angeles River Studio
The Los Angeles River Studio will study up to four miles of the river\’s corridor in downtown Los Angeles. The east/west boundaries will be determined by the student(s). The studio is sponsored by Los Angeles open space and Friends of the Los Angeles River whose representatives will participate in the studio as well as the Los Angeles Planning Department, Los Angeles Public Works, the Army Corps of Engineers, city and county elected officials, and local artists.Previous studies focused on biological resources (California fish and game), pedestrian and bicycle improvements (the LA Public Works Dept), and the Sciarc Environs (sciarc/mayne). This will be the first study to examine the entire downtown river corridor. Our sponsors through state funding have purchased over one hundred and fifty acres of urbanized lands adjoining the LA River in other areas and will be encouraging the studio to move beyond the existing environs of the channel. At the same the studio must recognize the very real flood issues when working in the river and must mitigate any manipulation and/or naturalization on site (see previous sentence).The studio will be organized into three distinct phases of differing lengths. First we will create two groups; one to analyze the regional hydrological environment and other pertinent natural phenomena (including friction measurements and how the studio will evaluate in-channel modifications) and two to develop a body of precedents analogous to this section of the LA River. This effort will last three weeks and include a sponsored trip to Los Angeles Sept. 27 pm to Oct. 1 pm. Lodging and some meals will be provided. The second and longest phase of the studio will be the development of a three dimensional conceptual plan in teams of two or three. This effort will last six weeks and include a major pin-up with sponsor participation as well as a final review of this phase. The final phase will last four weeks and propose a schematic design by individuals with appropriate representations. The review for this portion will occur during final review week and include one or two sponsors but will primarily be a design jury. A group of volunteers will travel back to Los Angeles Jan. 22 – 23 for public presentations. The instructor and teaching assistant will compile and edit the studios work for publicationFurther Information