Miami Resilience: Housing & Infrastructure

This advanced research seminar in Miami, Florida (USA) is thematically focused at the intersection of community resilience, infrastructure design, housing studies, building science and zoning. With a particular geographic focus on the design and development of the Bakehouse Art Complex in Wynwood, the seminar will seek to understand the various forces shaping the adaptive capacity, livability and affordability of similarly situated districts. Within the context of rapid climatic, environmental and social change, students are tasked with developing a specialized research agenda that builds upon the various programs, methodologies and practices within the GSD. Each student will be required to independently select and develop a research agenda that demonstrates a command of the associated disciplinary literature framing the inquiry. In addition, each student will be required to develop analytical framework(s) that demonstrate the student’s competence for not only understanding the problem(s) but also utilizing such frameworks for practically engaging local stakeholders. In partnership with the Knight Foundation and the Chief Resilience Officers (CROs) of Miami and Miami-Dade County, students will travel to Miami to conduct field work to support their research. The seminar will culminate in the production of a consolidated product (e.g., memorandum, multi-media, etc..) that memorializes the analytical outcomes, as well as a normative position for advancing future policy, planning and design decisions. Students are evaluated on: (i) monthly presentations, and, (ii) the final research memorandum/media. Each student is required to lead discussions on relevant literature/data shaping their research, as well as periodic up-dates concerning their research progress. Students are encouraged to utilize the seminar to ground complementary existing research for ongoing theses and dissertations. Specialized research inquires may include engineering and architectural resilience design, hazard mitigation planning, landscapes of water and risk, and the architecture of TOD.

This course will include a trip to Miami for 10 students from February 24th to 27th. Students who travel in this course will be term billed $150. Students can only participate in one traveling course or studio. One set itinerary is made and students are responsible for contacting the travel agent and paying for any changes to this itinerary. Students are also responsible for the cost of all meals and incidentals, such as local travel.