Naive Design – Drawing the Impossible
Instructor: Clemens Finkelstein, MDS 2017
Anthony Morey, MDS 2017
Max Enrollment: 15
Date/Time: Jan 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14/1 – 3 p.m.
Location: 505
Description: Drawing is the only medium of architecture that can challenge physical limitations by completely ignoring them. Gravity, time, direction are all at the creators’ discretion or interpretation. Allowing oneself to study conventions from within one of architecture’s most sacred conventions, drawing. Not taking anything for granted, knowing certain inert tools are not appropriate for the task at hand. This grants us the ability to step away, create a new space, and discover, this is where this workshop finds itself. Not starting from scratch, not trying to be original, only trying to find some place safe, to stop, look and invite a little slipperiness, lucidness into the conversation. This seminar will focus on the naive drawing, gaining exposure from current architects such as Peter Eisenman, Thom Mayne, Daniel Libeskind and Rem Koolhaas along with various art movements such as Dada and surrealism to gain access to a level of representation that delays normal architectural convention styles.
Requirements: n/a
Cost/Materials: n/a