Proseminar in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology
This research seminar is intended for Master in Design Studies (MDES) candidates entering the Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology (ULE) stream as well as Master in Landscape Architecture candidates entering the post-professional (MLA II) Program. The seminar begins by defining design and design research as distinct forms of knowledge production in the context of the research university. The seminar introduces various modes of research on urbanism and urbanization across the intellectual commitments of the School. Topics covered include a range of themes essential to contemporary research on cities in relation to their disciplinary forms, modes, and norms. The course surveys a range of discursive and disciplinary models for the production of knowledge on cities, and introduces students to the range of faculty and student research on cities at the GSD.
The seminar meets weekly for three hours, beginning with a presentation and seminar discussion, followed by individual student presentations and tutorial skill sessions. In addition to class sessions, seminar discussions, and student presentations, individual meetings with GSD faculty are an important aspect of the course. Through the course members of the seminar will be introduced to research on urbanism and urbanization across the pedagogic and disciplinary agendas the GSD. Through this introduction, individuals will be invited to begin their own agenda for research at the GSD. By the end of the term candidates will present an initial draft proposal for their topic of design research at the School.