surfaces. kinetics
The seminar explores the use of surfaces and kinetic systems in architecture, with reference to furniture and product design. \’Surfaces\’ are explored first by an in-depth study of the strategies \’stress\’, \’folding\’ and \’curvature\’. In the second part of the course these themes are then extended into the design of kinetic systems. Lectures by the instructor are accompanied by lab sessions that include hands-on exercises with physical models, digital form-finding as well as 3-D modeling and animation exercises. SurfacesBeginning with \’stress\’ the seminar introduces planar pre-stressed surfaces, pneumatic stressed fabrics and tensile fabric structures. Form-finding of anticlastic pre-stressed equilibrium shapes is taught using both physical and computational tools. \’Folding\’ introduces basic notions of creating stiffness with surfaces through planar geometric manipulations. Students explore the design of folded surfaces through physical experiments and by using parametric objects in a digital design environment. \’Curvature\’ reviews the geometry of single-curved, ruled and complex surfaces with an emphasis on understanding the relation between geometry, scale and stiffness. Curved surfaces based on simple geometric shapes and based on equilibrium shapes are introduced, along with a presentation of historical and current form-finding methods. Examples from areas other than architecture and product design will be discussed briefly.KineticsThis part of the seminar introduces students to design principles for adaptive systems that respond to specific functional requirements. Kinetic systems are discussed in relation to the design strategies for surfaces that were covered in the first part of the course. \’Kinetics\’ expands beyond surfaces and includes systems based on any combination of linear, curvilinear and surface element. The understanding of moveable systems is gained through a systematic study of the basic actions and effects: rotation, translation, folding and expansion. Issues of scale, materials, structure, manufacturing and construction are considered throughout the term. The underlying principles of designing surfaces and kinetic elements are illustrated with examples and case studies ranging from smaller products and furniture to large architectural structures. Students are going to be introduced to the software CADISI and will be taught to employ specific aspects of SolidWorks. Those already familiar with SolidWorks or CATIA will find opportunity throughout the term to apply their skills, but familiarity with these environments is not a prerequisite for the course. General familiarity with basic digital 3-D modeling is an advantage. Students are expected to complete brief design exercises and a term project. Each student will also research and present an in-depth study of a related topic to the class. Participants are required to have a basic knowledge of traditional construction materials and techniques as well as an understanding of structural systems. GSD 6111 (Introduction to Building Technology) and GSD 6201 / 6202 (Design and Analysis of Building Structures I and II) or equivalent are prerequisites. The course can accept up to 15 students.