Sustainability for Planning and Design
This survey course will give a critical overview over the most pressing issues and tendencies surrounding the term Sustainability focusing on the specific role of the designer and planner. A series of lecturers will give a snapshot about the latest critical thinking regarding the Metrics of Sustainability, Ecological Urbanism, Landscape Urbanism, Eco-cities, Zero-Carbon Cities, Transportation Innovations, Food Webs, Urban Water Flows, Urban Poverty and Climate Change. The discussion will center on the city in its local, regional, national and global context thereby revealing the interdependence between architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and urban planning. At the end, students should have developed a new framework with shifted priorities, new concentrations and interests that they can explore in their further studies.Christian Werthmann is the instructor. Featured speakers include: Pierre Belanger, Herbert Dreiseitl, Alejandro Echeverri, Jane Hutton, Rahul Mehrotra, Mohsen Mostafavi, Spiro Pollalis, Matthias Schuler, and Charles Waldheim.