Analysis – Concepts for Greening GSD Gund Hall for a better comfort and less use of resourcesMost of the US-students and teachers are aware through personal experiences about the limited\” comfort of GSD Gund Hall from the thermal point of view, but as well in respect to air quality and illumination. The huge resources input for heating and cooling, ventilating, lighting and maintaining the building in energy, water, material and human power are not so easy to experience.The seminar Sustainability – Concepts for Greening GSD Gund Hall\” will start with analysis of the different building systems like building envelope, heating and cooling system, ventilation system, artificial lighting system, water and sewage system, waste management and all other electrical demands. This analysis will be done by groups of 2 to 3 students for the different systems. Based on this analysis the demands will be compared with values of reference buildings with a high comfort/ low energy approach and so the weak point can be identified. In a third step each student will develop, analyze and quantify a refurbishment strategy for GSD Gund Hall.The whole seminar will be accompanied by background lectures covering the considered system for building envelop, through all technical systems.Lectures will be every second Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.