Prerequisite: GSD 6205 or equivalent
Course description:
Based on basic information form the background lectures the application of a sustainable approach into a design or research project is the target of this class. Students either bring their studio project or a self-defined research theme into the lecture and are guided for further research, taught additional information and coached for the integration of sustainable concept approaches into their focus.
Course structure:
Background lectures
Example building/project analysis
Introduction in hand calculation methods
Introduction in simple computer tools
Individual design reviews
sustainable concept presentation on final studio design or independent research report.
Literature: (available as pdf)
Buildings and Climate Change, UNEP Report
Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change
One Planet Living, Sustainable is more than CO2
This course will meet on the following dates:
January 30, 31
February 13, 14
February 27, 28
March 19, 20
April 2, 3
April 16, 17