The Delhi Metro Rail
The city of Delhi has grown from a population of less than one million in 1947 to over 12 million today. Despite a master plan dating from 1961 that sought to contain and control development, the city has experienced unprecedented growth, which has led to a massive sprawl. The city has spread out horizontally merging with the surrounding areas and states. Development today extends all the way from the city of Meerut in the north to Gurgaon in the south. Much of the growth is of low density and extends in all directions, making effective communication and movement difficult and time-consuming. From 1980 onwards, with the rapid growth of car ownership (there are more cars in Delhi than the metropolitan cities of Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras put together) traffic congestion and extensive pollution has compounded the city\’s problems. In such a scenario, an efficient rapid transit system has been a long felt and serious need. The Metro Rail system presently being implemented in Delhi will help to alleviate some of the more serious transportation problems. The intention of the studio is to study the impact that the proposed Metro Rail system will have on the city of Delhi/New Delhi. The first phase of the Metro Rail will be commissioned in December 2002. Over the next the five years, the Metro Rail will extend over a substantial area linking the far-flung areas of the urban territory of Delhi. As part of the study, students will be required to study the routing of the proposed Metro Rail system in relation to the existing development of the area that the Metro Rail will pass through. Based on this, projections will be made of the anticipated future changes in the land-use pattern and development along the Metro Rail network and around the proposed stations. An assessment will also be made of the location of the major interchanges and their linkages with other transportation systems. The creation of major new transportation corridors will automatically bring about changes along the Metro Rail network and, in particular, around the key junctions and Metro Rail stations. A few areas of significant impact will be identified for more detailed study, and urban design proposals will be prepared for such areas in the design studio. The study is likely to reveal hidden patterns of changes already taking place, which may accelerate or take a different direction in the future. It is therefore important to examine this in determining the future pattern of growth and development in the city of Delhi. Work in the studio will be preceded by a 10-day visit to Delhi during Spring Break. All local arrangements for this are being made by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., who will also provide all necessary support information and data. Additional help will be available from the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, who are officially sponsoring the study. During the visit students will get an idea of the urban territory of Delhi and its layout. They will also be in a position to appreciate the extent of its merger with adjoining cities and states. The proposed Metro Rail system has to be viewed and assessed in this larger context. Lectures, seminars, and site visits will be organized during the visit.