Untangling Climax Change
Departing from the book Climax Change! How Architecture Must Transform in the Age of Ecological Emergency, this seminar proposes to untie and explore the many aspects of the current climate and ecological crises, particularly in their interrelated implications for the future practice of architecture, urban planning and landscape. Within the curriculum, this seminar intends to bring to center stage existential threats and impacts of the ecological emergency, which today are still relegated to an accessory role in the creative processes of design and planning.
Ranging from decarbonization to degrowth, from climate justice to interspecies design, from magical thinking to green new deals, or from ecocide to the potential of regenerative practices, the seminar investigates a diversity of topics concerning what is often described by scientists as a wicked problem – a complex problematics that cannot be addressed with simple or easy answers.
Based on readings and AV presentations extending the book's contents, this approach will allow students to get a holistic, contemporary perspective of the interconnected consequences of a man-altered environment, while providing them with tools to envision the possibility of change in their future action as designers. Discussions will revolve both around content presentations and essay abstracts proposed by students, which expectedly expand on themes and issues suggested by the book.
No prerequisites.