What is a Thesis? Conversations on Means and Methods of the Thesis Project
How does one frame the architectural problem? How does one begin the thesis project? This proseminar provides a platform for students to workshop and develop their ideas in preparation for thesis work.
Organized around a series of in-depth discussions and workshops with leading figures in the design fields, weekly meetings and workshops provide a forum for exploring a wide range of themes, means, and methods that animate current practices and theoretical debates. Drawn from within the GSD community and beyond, these speakers present and discuss their work and ideas, partly as a means for students to draw parallels with their own curiosities relative to certain aspects of contemporary design culture, but more specifically as a means to better understand the ways in which design imagination is enriched and invigorated through continual engagement with well-formed theoretical questions and positions. Previous visitors include Michael Kimmelman of the New York Times, Natasha Jen of Pentagram, Ben Gilmartin of Diller Scofido and Renfro… Areas of inquiry include form and figure, computation and geometry, representation, materials and fabrication, energy, infrastructure and territory, and urbanism, among others.
These focused discussions are framed by more general class meetings, paired with brief exercises and workshops that outline various methodological approaches (historical, technical, political, sociological, geographical, etc.) used to structure and organize specific kinds of theoretical positions, both within the discipline and in other fields. These sessions provide an opportunity to discuss the potentially powerful and productive, but often misunderstood, relationships offered to architectural thinking by interdisciplinary frameworks. What does it mean to work across disciplinary boundaries today? How can architecture’s own, historically embedded modes of representation (the drawing, the model, the rendering, etc.) be placed in conversation with discursive and conceptual models found in other fields of inquiry? These and other questions are explored through lectures and class discussions.
Through these two lines of thinking—the theoretical and the methodological—the course aims to give specificity and depth to the question: what is a thesis? The ultimate aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the techniques and elements necessary for conceptualizing a master’s thesis in architecture.
Each student will produce, in dialog with the course director and visitors, a concise document that frames and outlines their direction and theoretical positions. This document enables students to explore the potential relationships between text, images, and objects as a way of producing a robust conceptual and representational framework for their ideas as they move forward into thesis work.
While preference, if needed, will be given to MArch I students, the course welcomes students from all departments and programs.