Independent Study Independent Thesis in Satisfaction of the Degree MAUD, MLAUD, or MUP Alex Krieger ADV-09302-00 12 Credits Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study Fall 2001
Independent Study Independent Thesis in Satisfaction of Degree MArch Spiro Pollalis, Toshiko Mori ADV-09301-00 12 Credits Department of Architecture Independent Study Fall 2001
Independent Study Martin Zogran ADV-09208-08 1 Credits Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study Fall 2011
Independent Study Independent Study on Multi-Cultural Design Environments (Summer course) ADV-09208 1 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study Spring 2012
Independent Study Gateway Cities Field Study Ann Forsyth, Nicolas Retsinas, David Barron ADV-09207 Mon 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM 4 Credits Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study Spring 2013
Independent Study Preparation of Thesis for Master in Landscape Architecture Charles Waldheim ADV-09205-00 4 Credits Department of Landscape Architecture Independent Study Spring 2010
Independent Study Preparation of Thesis for Master in Landscape Architecture John Beardsley, Charles Waldheim ADV-09205-00 4 Credits Department of Landscape Architecture Independent Study Fall 2009
Independent Study Preparation of Thesis for Master in Landscape Architecture ADV-09205-00 4 Credits Department of Landscape Architecture Independent Study Spring 2009
Independent Study Preparation of Thesis for Master in Landscape Architecture John R. Stilgoe, John Beardsley ADV-09205-00 4 Credits Department of Landscape Architecture Independent Study Fall 2008
Independent Study Preparation of Thesis for Master in Landscape Architecture ADV-09205-00 4 Credits Department of Landscape Architecture Independent Study Spring 2008