If a GSD student receives a grade considered passing at the school at which the course is listed, he or she may receive credit for cross-registered courses offered by Harvard College; Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Business School, Kennedy School of Government, Graduate School of Education, Chan School of Public Health, Law School, or Divinity School; the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University; and MIT. Students may obtain credit toward the fulfillment of a degree at the GSD for a maximum of two undergraduate-level courses, or the equivalent of eight GSD units, at Harvard College or Harvard Summer School. MDesS Students may obtain a maximum of three undergraduate-level courses or twelve GSD units at the College.
When cross-registering, students must abide by the dates and policies of the school in which the course is offered, unless the GSD deadlines are earlier (petitions are always due by the earlier deadline). Information on individual school cross-registration dates and policies can be found on the splash page of the my.harvard Course Search, or on the individual school websites listed below.
GSD students who wish to audit a course should make arrangements directly with the instructor. Audited courses are not recorded on transcripts. Students from outside of the GSD who wish to audit a GSD course should contact the registrar in order to acquire a petition to audit.
Students who cross-register into the GSD will be graded according to the GSD grading system; letter grades will not be awarded.
GSD students cannot cross-register into another course on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, even if the host school allows it. As noted above, the only exception to this policy is when the course is ONLY offered on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, and the College’s CS50 course. Otherwise, cross-registered courses must be graded according to the host school’s standard, ordinal system.
School |
Satisfactory |
Low Satisfactory |
Fail |
Graduate School of Design |
DIS, HP, P |
LP |
F |
Business School |
E, SA -I, II |
LP/ -III |
UNS – IV |
Divinity School |
A, A-, B+, B, B- |
C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- |
E |
Faculty of Arts & Sciences |
A, A-, B+, B, B-/SAT |
C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- |
Kennedy School |
A, A-, B+, B, B-/SAT |
C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- |
Law School |
H, P |
LP |
F |
Medical School |
U |
School of Education |
A, B |
C, D |
E |
School of Public Health |
A, A-, B+, B, B-, /P |
C+, C, C- |
F |
A, B |
C, D |
F |
Fletcher (Tufts) |
A, A-, B+, B, B-, SAT |
C and below |
Note that although MIT utilizes “+” and “-“ grade modifiers internally, they are not reported to other offices, and thus only whole, ordinal MIT grades will appear on a student’s GSD record.
Credit/unit conversions can be found in the my.harvard Course Search, by clicking on the Credit Conversion tab. Choose Harvard Graduate School of Design as your Home School. Those schools that are not listed have a 1:1 conversion with GSD units.