course Legal Aspects of Design Practice Carl Sapers PRO-07208-00 Wed 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 4 Credits Department of Architecture Lecture Spring 2006
course Legal Aspects of Design Practice Carl Sapers PRO-07208-00 Wed 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 4 Credits Department of Architecture Lecture Spring 2005
course Legal Aspects of Design Practice Carl Sapers PRO-07208-00 Wed 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 4 Credits Department of Architecture Lecture Spring 2004
course Legal Aspects of Design Practice Carl Sapers PRO-07208-00 Wed 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 4 Credits Department of Architecture Lecture Spring 2003
course Legal Aspects of Design Practice Carl Sapers PRO-07208-00 Wed 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 4 Credits Department of Architecture Lecture Spring 2002
Independent Study DIY [Toy] Product Design INT-00045-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study Presentation and public speaking: the basics INT-00044-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study A Project a Day: Architectural Tours INT-00043-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study Entrepreneurial Design Firm Workshop – FULL INT-00042-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study Form UVW: Principles of animation, decomposition, and modeling using 3ds Max – CANCELLED INT-00041-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014