China GSD: Prof. Bing Wang “China Urbanizes: Process and Challenges”
As China’s three-decades-long export and investment-led boom starts to lose steam, the society is currently contemplating alternative economic growth initiatives that leverage on the new wave of urbanization and city making to fundamentally redirect Chinese cities toward consumption, efficiency, productivity, and social welfare. Prof. Bing Wang’s work and presentation examine the multitudes of alternatives for reforming and restructuring possible trajectories of China’s urbanization and the comparative and competitive advantages of urban governance and Chinese institutions, both public and private, in dealing with increasing complexity and scale of urban development and city making, particularly in the absence of developed local capital markets and as new priorities are framed by the new Chinese leadership.
It is a timely debate and discussion of the challenges and opportunities for China’s new policy, the consequential impact of directional shift on China’s built environment, both urban and rural, and the empirical applicability of urban governance paradigms on China’s sustainability, global competitiveness, and social stability.
Principal Speaker: 2736
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