Conference: “Redefining Urban Design: Barcelona as Case Study”

The theme of this conference is the extent to which new, emerging issues are changing the principles of urban design and its practice at the scale of the city and territory. Topics to be explored include the future of the traditional city and modern districts constructed thus far; the new urban forms that have come into being along with the innovation economy; the potential influence of the hypermobility that global centers appear to promote; and forms of economic and urban development that may have been neglected amid the models of the widespread growth of housing and infrastructure that were so influential in the twentieth century.
By considering several different issues in Barcelona, including case studies in the concurrent exhibition Barcelona: Metropolis of Cities, the conference aims not only to examine the urban transformation of that city since the 1980s but also to reflect on how its recent history may shed light on the urban development of other cities across the globe. The conference will thus explore a new dimension of the urban design project as such, in which multidisciplinary reflections on the similarities and differences between a specific case study and innovative trends in other cities may disclose new fields for reflection, orientation, and coordination of the various disciplines and scales involved in the design and management of the city. Organized by Joan Busquets, Martin Bucksbaum Professor in Practice of Urban Planning and Design.
9:00 a.m. Conference Begins
Introductions by Mohsen Mostafavi, Dean and Alexander and Victoria Wiley Professor of Design, Harvard GSD, and Ramon Torra, Director of AMB, Barcelona
Prefatory remarks by Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism, and chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design
Remarks on exhibition research by Joan Busquets
9:30 a.m. Keynote by Marion Weiss, Weiss Manfredi, New York
10:15 a.m. Round Table 1: Designing for Sustainable Mobility, Rescaling Infrastructures, Creating Opportunities for New Economy
Moderated by Adam Himes, MAUD
“Recapturing Public Spaces”
Mirko Zardini, CCA, Montreal
“New Models of Public Transportation”
Josep Parcerisa, BCN
“Experimental Infrastructures”
Jonathan D Solomon, Chicago
11:00 a.m. Round Table 2: Housing and Design for Social Justice, Requalifying Existing Cities
Moderated by Lisa Hollywood, MAUD
“Minimalist Housing”
Josep Bohigas, BCN-BR
“Latin American Examples”
Felipe Correa, associate professor of urban design, Harvard GSD
“Strategies in Existing Areas”
Maria Rubert, BCN
11:45 a.m. Coffee Break
12:00 p.m. Merging Public Space and Nature, Constructing an Efficient Urban Metabolism
Moderated by Dingliang Yang, DDes
“Green as Main Structure for Barcelona”
Enric Batlle, BCN
“New Ways to Design with Nature”
Anita Berrizbeitia, professor of landscape architecture and chair, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard GSD
“Values of Public Space”
Carles Crosas, BCN
12:45 p.m. Conclusions: ”Redefining Urban Design”
Eulalia Gomez-Escoda, BCN
Andres Sevtsuk, assistant professor of urban planning, Harvard GSD
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