Film Screening: “El Pescador”

Film screening and conversation with Sebastian Cordero, Director and Ramiro Almeida, Producer moderated by Felipe Correa, Director of the Urban Design Degree Program at the GSD. The film is in Spanish with English subtitles, and the conversation will be followed by a reception organized by Latin GSD and co-sponsored by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.
Blanquito is 30 years old and lives with his mother in a fishermen village on the coast of Ecuador.
A shipment of cocaine miraculously washes up on the beach one day, giving him the opportunity to finally leave the village in search of his father (a well known politician) and a better life.
Following a Colombian woman who supposedly has contacts to sell the drugs, Blanquito soon learns that things are not what they seem, and that he will never truly belong anywhere.
Pescador  was conceived like a road trip: you plan a rough map, but you let yourself drift where the journey seems more appealing.  Ever since I shot my first film, I’ve always asked myself what would happen if I were to follow the tangents of a story, letting the characters tell me how to proceed.
A couple of years ago, a ­­­good friend told me of a fisherman’s village where a shipment of cocaine had washed up on the beach.  I wasn’t interested in the narco elements of the story, but in how the people in this town would react to this situation.  I somehow knew my movie was right there.  I wanted to capture unique characters in a bizarre environment, and to follow someone who decides to bet everything on the opportunity to leave his world behind.
In order to embrace that freedom, we shot hand-held, in real locations: we actually used the real town where the original story happened!  We filmed chronologically, using available light, planning our shots according to the position of the sun, using long takes, and plenty of improvisation, always allowing for the story to dictate its own rules.  My previous movie was about claustrophobia and control, with every element designed beforehand.  Here we were looking for freedom, veering off when necessary, letting the characters come alive.”                  
Sebastian Cordero.

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