John T. Dunlop Lecture: Angela Glover Blackwell

Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, of PolicyLink, started the organization in 1999 and continues to drive its mission of advancing economic and social equity. Under Ms. Blackwell’s leadership, PolicyLink has become a leading voice in the movement to use public policy to improve access and opportunity for all low-income people and communities of color, particularly in the areas of health, housing, transportation, education, and infrastructure.  A lawyer by training, she gained national recognition as founder of the Oakland (CA) Urban Strategies Council, where she pioneered new approaches to neighborhood revitalization. As a leading voice in the movement for equity in America, Angela is a frequent commentator for some of the nation’s top news organizations, and she is the co-author of Uncommon Common Ground: Race and America’s Future. She serves on numerous boards and currently serves on The President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans.

Organized by the Joint Center for Housing Studies with support from the National Housing Endowment and the John T. Dunlop Professorship for Housing and Urbanization.

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