Sonja Dümpelmann and John Beardsley, “Women and Modernity in Landscape Architecture”

Charles Waldheim will talk with Sonja Dümpelmann and John Beardsley, the editors of “Women, Modernity, and Landscape Architecture” (Routledge, 2015), about the role of women in twentieth-century landscape architecture. The event will highlight the contributions of outstanding female landscape designers on five continents, showing how they developed notable practices, worked as prolific lecturers and authors, and were amongst the first professors in the discipline. The speakers will discuss how the preoccupation with neglected individuals in landscape architecture can contribute to revising current gendered and national readings of modernism and modernity, and to developing a more nuanced, balanced, critical, and integrated landscape architectural historiography of the twentieth century.

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Additional Speakers: 2958, 1856

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