Thermodynamic Materialism Symposium
One aspect that is crucial in rethinking materiality through the lens of thermodynamics is the potential light that such a prism can cast on the redefinition of so called “architectural interiors”. Architectural interiors became in the convectively conditioned modernist build- ings a tremendously banal collection of “products”, commercial patents that forced architects to give up the relation of their interior spaces to an integral idea of design; decorators, interior designers and other professionals soon occupied this empty spot under a taste and fashion oriented prism. Thermodynamic materialism brings to the materials and masses required to organize these interior spaces and drive gravitational forces into the earth a new vitality as conductive and/or convective channels integral to the architectural concept. Thermodynamic materialism redefines not only the need of matter and our choices about materials and products, but also the way we look at interi- or space and the tools and knowledge required to develop a new idea of architectural beauty.
1:10 – Inaki Abalos (GSD)
1:20 – Carlos Cerezo (GSD)
1:30 – Matthias Schuler (GSD)
1:40 – Joseph Schwartz (ETH)
1:50 – Toni Kotnik (ETH)
2:00 – Juanjo Castellon (ETH)
2:10 – Break
2:20 – Jianxiang Huang (GSD)
2:30 – Renata Sentkiewicz (GSD)
2:40 – Kiel Moe (GSD)
2:50 – Salmaan Craig (GSD)
3:00 – Conversation
GSD Green Design/Energy, Environments, and Design Lab
ETH Zurich
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