History & Philosophy of Design – Required Courses 2019
For students entering Fall 2019
First Year
32 units Electives or Distributional Requirements*
Second Year
Coursework Track:
16 units Electives or Distributional Requirements*
Thesis Track:
16 units Electives or Distributional Requirements*
8 units GSD 9304 Independent Thesis for the Degree Master in Design Studies
*Students must take 12 units of the following Distributional Requirements:
4 units GSD 4121 Buildings, Texts, Contexts I
4 units GSD 4141 Histories of Landscape Architecture I
4 units GSD 4122 Building, Texts, Contexts II
4 units GSD 4142 Histories of Landscape Architecture II
4 units GSD 4223 Buildings, Texts, Contexts III
Recommended Research Methodology Course
Courses that teach skills of potential relevance to theses projects
HIS-4395 Environmentalisms
Other Recommended Courses
HIS-4115 History and Theory of Urban Interventions
HIS-4350 Michelangelo Architect: Precedents, Innovation, Influence (not offered in 2019/20)
HIS-4362 Structuring Urban Experience: From the Athenian Acropolis to the Boston Common
HIS-4385 Mountains and the Rise of Landscape
HIS-4386 Domesticity, Privacy, Transparency, Performance (not offered in 2019/20)
HIS-4387 Topology and Imagination: Between Chinese Landscapes and Architecture
HIS-4388 Architecture in Early Modern England: Themes and Methods (not offered in 2019/20)
HIS-4394 Once Century of Modernization in Latin America
HIS-4395 Environmentalisms
HIS-4428 Visionary Architecture
HIS-4451 Materiality, Visual Culture, and Media
HIS-4453 Manfredo Tafuri and the Historiography and Criticism of Architecture 1960-1990