For students entering Fall 2018

First Year

4 units          GSD 3348        The Idea of Environment
4 units          GSD 3356        Field Methods and Living Collections
4 units          GSD 5291        Theories for Practice in Conflict, Crisis, and Recovery (offered Spring 2019)
20 units        Electives or Distributional Electives *

Second Year

Three Semester Track:
16 units        Electives or Distributional Electives *


Four Semester Thesis Track:
16 units        Electives or Distributional Electives*
8 units          GSD 9304        Independent Thesis for the Degree Master in Design Studies

*Students are required to fulfill the following distributional electives from approved lists of courses:
4 units of methodology
4 units of mapping or representation

Distributional Electives

Methodology Distributional Electives
DES-3378  Place-Based Design Inquiry (offered Spring 2019)
SES-5215  Analytic Methods of Urban Planning: Quantitative
SES-5216  Analytic Methods: Qualitative
SCI-6354  Applied Urban Analytics
MIT 11.220  Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Methods for Planning I
MIT 11.328  Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City
MIT 11.523  Fundamentals of Spatial Database Management (offered Spring 2019)

Mapping and Representation Distributional Electives
VIS-2129  Spatial Analysis and the Built Environment
SCI-6322  Mapping: Geographic Representation and Speculation
MIT 11.205  Introduction to Spatial Analysis
MIT 11.328  Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting, and Representing the City
MIT 11.523  Fundamentals of Spatial Database Management (offered Spring 2019)

This is a preliminary template of courses that have been taken by students in the past. Students may work individually with the Risk and Resilience Area Heads to craft a set of methodology courses specific to their research plans.