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The architect as storyteller: students envision a new Menokin plantation

The ruins of the 18th century Menokin plantation are poised for rebirth, nurtured by the creative efforts of Jorge Silvetti (professor of architecture) his firm Machado and Silvetti and students of the spring 2013 studio, “Ruins, Memory and the Imagination.” Student projects are currently featured in an exhibit at the Virginia Center for Architecture in Richmond through April 27.

Feb 24, 2014


DRG soars at 2014 Cevisama

Floating overhead like a giant pair of wings at the 2014 Cevisama exhibition is a ceramic structure created by the GSD Design Robotics Group. It’s a mock-up of a structural ceramic and concrete shell system being developed in collaboration with the Institute for Structural Design at TU Graz, Austria. 

Feb 24, 2014


GSD alums win second prize in Chilean tower competition

Daniel Ibañez (MDesS ’12, DDes candidate) and Tomas Folch (MLA I ’12), in association with Rodrigo Rubio (Margen-Lab) and Sofia Armanet, have recently received second prize in the international competition to build a telecommunication tower in Santiago de Chile.

Feb 24, 2014


APA Presidents discuss the future of planning

William Anderson (MCRP ’83) and Mitch Silver, current and former presidents of the American Planning Association, took part in a public discussion on 2/6 called “The Future of Planning: Perspectives of APA Presidents.”

Feb 20, 2014


Alumni Q&A: Andrea (Andie) Cochran MLA79

Shortly after graduating from the GSD, landscape architect Andie Cochran found her home in the San Francisco Bay area, where she's been living and practicing for over 30 years. Read more as she reflects back on her time at the GSD, and shares what inspires her as a designer.

Feb 12, 2014


Redesigning the Urban Landscape Means Thinking Smaller

The Gateway Cities initiative takes a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to solving challenges in the urban environment. Learn more about the program and how students across the University work together to tackle redevelopment projects.

Feb 12, 2014


Faculty Profile: Ali Malkawi

The Office of Development & Alumni Relations had the opportunity to sit down with Professor Ali Malkawi during the relative quiet of January in Gund Hall. He shared his reflections on joining the GSD faculty, founding and directing the new Harvard Center for Green Building and Cities, and his professional inspirations and aspirations.

Feb 12, 2014


Alumni Profile: Quilian Riano

Critical activism plays a significant role in the work of GSD alum Quilian Riano. Read more about how he got interested in the concept, the way it influences his approach to design today, and the projects he's worked on through his studio DSGN AGNC.

Feb 12, 2014