Celosía Cosida

by Kritika Dhanda, Alkistis Mavroeidi, and Jake Rudin (all MDes ‘16)
How can we create an adaptive, architectural screen with a large number of potential functions and configurations?
Modularity became a key point in the research, as the process of slip casting and creating a series of “molds and multiples” presented itself as the obvious choice for integrating digital fabrication and ceramics. With a focus on light, visual permeability and the use of digital tools to aid in the design process, Celosía Cosída began with the idea that we wanted to create a single mold, varying only the perforations that allowed light and air to pass through the module, we could create a highly-versatile, visually-elegant screen that incorporated lighting elements and even ways of conditioning a space through radiative heating or evaporative cooling.