Jump Cut School

Conceptual Model
By Fiona Riley (MArch I ’22)
Jump Cut, the third project of the CORE 1 studio, poses the challenge of creating one building from two apparently disparate sections. Sean Canty’s studio approached this problem by imagining first two plans of two distinct modernist typologies for each of the sections, and then their potential union.
This project relates the two sections by projecting their respective grids to meet one another in an arc that defines the envelope of the building. The center of the arc becomes the primary circulation core, while the swept grid lines become secondary circulation paths that progress through the stepped rooms and connect the two plans.
The paths of these secondary stair corridors are coded by the smaller voids on the facade, switching from singly-loaded to doubly loaded as they pass through each void. This breaks up the building, programmatically a school, into smaller office spaces, mid-sized classrooms, and large gathering spaces, while the voids serve as smaller social areas. Larger, vertical voids provide space for primary, continuous circulation, and bring light deep into the building.