
fac_pub_koolhaas_domusAs part of the ‘Festa per l’architettura’ Domus will present the new “Domus d’Autore” series, dedicated to “listening to the voice of those who know how to look beyond current confines and have the strength to direct and influence our way of perceiving the city and the spaces beyond it.” This is how publisher Giovanna Mazzocchi describes the project, with the first issue edited by AMO/Rem Koolhaas. To illustrate this point of view, AMO has chosen to analyze four recent OMA buildings in the light of everyday experience, examining the way they are used rather than their form.

“(Our) buildings take their place in a primordial sea of predecessors on which their existence depends and to whose existence they try to contribute. We looked through the eyes of tourists, trusted others to record. Away from the triumphalist or miserabilist glare of media, we wanted to see what happens in the absence of the author, to represent the realities we were complicit in creating post-occupancy, as facts, not feats.”
— Rem Koolhaas