
This book is the result of the studio, Territorialism, held in fall 2012 and fall 2013 and taught by Paola Viganò. The studio examined the territorial scale and the form of the territory as a basis to understand the contemporary city and the important modifications that have occurred in its spatial, economic, and social structure.
Paola Viganò
Teaching Associates
Lauren Abrahams
Chiara Cavalieri
Kate Anderson
Fabiana Araujo
Alexander Arroyo
Pedro Bermudez
Dan Bier
Charles Brennan
Chris Buccino
Ana Victoria Chiari
Sang Yong Cho
Hugo Colon
Rob Daurio
Omar Davis
Carolyn Deuschle
Anya Domlesky
Harold Fort
John Frey
Shuai Hao
Ji Kangil
Michael Luegering
Bin Bin Ma
Michalis Pirokka
Jana Vandergoot
Cara Walsh
Phoebe White
James Whitten
Simon Willet
ISBN 978-1-934-510-41-4
Available for purchase from the Frances Loeb Library and Amazon.com.