Students who have received educational loans while at the GSD or at a previous institution can receive a deferment on repayment of those loans if they are enrolled as students on at least a half-time basis.

Each lending agency has its own deferment form. If applicable, the biographical information at the top of the form should be filled out by the student and submitted to the Registrar’s Office at 7 Sumner Road, Suite 102 for completion. The student must sign the form; unsigned forms will be returned. In addition, the student must supply the address to which the completed form is to be mailed.

In general, it takes three business days to process the form. Please note that during the Fall, deferment forms are not processed until the student has registered. The volume of forms received during this time will delay processing. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

The GSD only completes deferment forms for current students; students who want a deferment because of an internship or a fellowship must have their deferment form completed by the agency or firm sponsoring them.

National Student Clearinghouse

Effective October 2012, the GSD became a member of the National Student Clearinghouse. One of the many benefits of joining this organization is the ability to provide students with paperless loan deferments.

The National Student Clearinghouse is a not-for-profit corporation founded by the higher education community which maintains a comprehensive electronic registry of post-secondary student records, including enrollment, degree, and loan data. Through the aggregation of student records from participating post-secondary educational institutions into a centralized national registry, the Clearinghouse provides a single, highly-automated point of contact for organizations requiring timely, accurate verification of student records.

Today over 2,500 colleges, representing more than 85% of the nation’s enrollment, participate in the Clearinghouse by providing regular student record updates to their national databases.

Source: National Student Clearinghouse

What do I need to do on my end to ensure that my loan is deferred?
In most cases, the deferment will happen automatically. However if your loan company sends you a deferment form, you must bring it to the Registrar’s Office at 7 Sumner Road, Suite 102 for processing.

Does my loan qualify for a paperless deferment?
Most likely. About 70 loan agencies currently work with the Clearinghouse, including many state loan programs. The larger loan agencies that work with the Clearinghouse include but are not limited to UNIPAC, Sallie Mae Servicing Corporation, and Citibank.

How do I know if my loan has been deferred?
Student can track their deferments online in many cases. Visit to track your loan deferment.

Where does the Clearinghouse obtain its enrollment information?
As part of our normal reporting to the University, the GSD sends data files on a regular basis to the Student Financial Services office. These files are used for many purposes including paperless loan deferments.

What if my loan agency does not participate in the Clearinghouse?
If your loan agency does not participate in the paperless deferment process, you will need to contact the agency directly to obtain a deferment form. Bring this form to the Registrar’s Office at 7 Sumner Road, Suite 102 and we will be glad to process it and mail it directly to the loan agency on your behalf.