Ecologies, Techniques, Technologies IV
GSD 6242 concerns the subject of design development in landscape architecture. The objectives are to inculcate in each student an understanding of, and executive skill in, the transformation of landscape design concepts into tangible landscape proposals through the methods and techniques of design development. The creative manipulation of the properties of site materials will be introduced within traditional, current and emerging systems of landscape construction and industry standards.
Method of Instruction
The instructors will use a range of instruction techniques during the course. In the third module short lectures and readings will be augmented by classroom demonstrations led by the Instructors. The progressive acquisition of practical skills in the application of the concepts described in the lectures to specific landscape design development situations will be emphasized through design development workshops
During the fourth module, a sequence of field visit cases studies in the Cambridge/Boston area will be visited together as a class. All the sites are easily accessible by public transportation from Harvard Square.
Topics Covered
· Methodologies of Design Development and Detail:
The Diagnostic Section
Practices of Analytical Observation and Acquiring a Material and Constructional Vocabulary
Tectonic Syntax
· Materials & Construction
· Construction as Assembly
· Material Properties, Weathering, Durability
· Structural Principles and Landscapes Over Structure
· Soft Engineering
Equip each student with a practice of landscape architectural design development that can be used and developed in future design studio and technological course work to deepen their understanding of landscape design and the execution of landscape ideas.
Explain the development and application of traditional and emerging technologies in landscape architecture.
Consolidate and extend previous landscape technology core courses at the GSD in earthworks, plants and vegetation systems, site grading techniques and landscape site materials.
Provide an understanding of the interdependence of site, design, history/theory and technology.
Method of Evaluation
· Evaluation of an individual portfolio/workbook of design development exercises produced throughout the semester.
· Evaluation of an individual sketchbook to be kept by each student throughout the semester.
· A mid-term written examination of the comprehension of the course concepts and practices covered in the class lectures.
· Class attendance and participation in discussions and field trips.
GSD 6242 is a required class for MLA 1 and MLA 1 AP’s. Prerequisites are successful completion of
6141 Ecologies Techniques and Technologies I, II, and III.
Class Time
Dedicated class time plus additional time as required for assigned readings and class assignments. Class field trips take place during class time.