Territorio Guarani III
This is the third consecutive studio investigating architectural strategies and modes of intervention in the culturally and environmentally rich Territorio Guarani, the South American region broadly defined by the Paraná river system and engaging adjacent large subtropical areas of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Our focus for the second time will the historical town of Candelaria, on the Parana river and adjacent to the booming province capital of Posadas, this year with a triple intellectual and professional goal:
1) The design of a higher international institute focused on the study, development and conservation of the living cultures and languages of the region (Guarani, Spanish and Portuguese). Devoted to studies, research, instruction and promotion it is jointly administered by universities of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
2) The conservation and integration on the Institute’s new architecture of historically and artistically important seventeenth century baroque ruins extant on the site.
3) The exploration of construction technologies that address intelligently the extreme climatic and topographical challenges of this subtropical area.
The Studio will be carefully coordinated with Prof. Erika Naginski’s offering HIS-04420-00: The Ruin Aesthetic: Episodes in the History of an Architectural Idea, and it is strongly recommended that students enrolled in this Studio also enroll in this course.
The studio will have three parts:
1) a two week preliminary research component consisting on assigned readings, lectures, and the discussion of selected relevant case studies addressing pertinent design examples of cultural institutions and of cases of integration of architectural remains into new structures.
2) This will be followed by a sponsored field trip (from February 5th to 14th) to the area of study. Prof. Naginski and Prof. Silvetti will participate fully in field trip activities. SEE “IMPORTANT” for advice regarding field trip at the end of these summary.
3) Upon return students will engage in a two phase systematic design process:
a) the development of the overall site and buildings design for the Institute, (in teams of two),
b) the design of a selected component of the Institute (individually)
In total there are five coordinated design exercises of different lengths during the semester.
Studio will meet regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons. (Prof. Naginski’s seminar will meet on Mondays, 10:00 to 1:00 in the Gropius Room). Student’s performance will be evaluated based on attendance, assignments, participation in class and team work, as well as on the quality of both individual and group design proposals.
IMPORTANT: International students interested to enroll in this course should verify in advance of the Lottery their country’s (as per valid passport) entry visa requirements with the Argentinian Consulate () since for some nationalities there may be extremely long periods of wait to obtain it which may prevent the student from participating in the required field trip.
Paths, Sounds, Ruins: Imagining Architecture in Candelaria
Jorge Silvetti and Erika Naginski, Instructors
May 2017