Teresa Galí-Izard, “PRODUCTIVE RESURGENCES : the garden of the XXI century”

Please note that this event begins at 12:30 PM and not noon as previously advertised.
Teresa Galí-Izard is a landscape architect that translates the hidden potential of places, exploring new languages that integrate living systems into design. She seeks to find a contemporary answer that includes non-humans and their life forms through exploring climate, geology, natural processes, dynamics and management.
Gali-Izard is Associate professor at the Harvard GSD. She was the chair of the department of landscape Architecture at University of Virginia 2013-2015, and is principal of ARQUITECTURA AGRONOMIA, a landscape architecture firm based in Barcelona since 2007. She has a large number of built projects in Spain such as Coastal Park, Passeig de Sant Joan, and Sant Joan Landfill restoration, in Barcelona which won the European Urban Public Space award in 2004. San Telmo Palace garden in Sevilla, Arriaga Lake in Vitoria, Odesa Park in Sabadell, Logroño Train Station park, Casabermeja Park in Malaga, Desierto square in Bilbao, and Giner de los rios Garden in Madrid. Her latest projects are in London, Venezuela, Spain, Andorra, and Colombia.
Galí-Izard is the author of “The Same Landscapes. Ideas and interpretations,” published by Gustavo Gili in 2005.
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