Art, Design, and the Public Domain – Required Courses 2018
For students entering Fall 2018
First Year
4 units GSD 2482 Art, Design and the Public Domain Proseminar
4 units GSD 2484 Interdisciplinary Art Practices
24 units Electives
Second Year
3 Semester Track:
16 units Electives
4 Semester Thesis Track:
16 units Electives
8 units GSD 9304 Independent Thesis for the Degree Master in Design Studies
Recommended Research Methodology Courses
Courses that teach skills of potential relevance to theses projects
VIS-2344 Constructing Visual Narratives of Place
VIS-2446 Drawing for Designers: Techniques of Expression, Articulation, and Representation
VIS-2481 Public Projection: Projection as a Tool for Expression and Communication in Public Space
HIS-4451 Materiality, Visual Culture, and Media
SCI-6317 Material Systems: Digital Design and Fabrication
SCI-6322 Mapping: Geographic Representation and Speculation
SCI-6360 Digital Fabrication and Robotics
SCI-6477 Nano Micro Macro: Adaptive Material Laboratory (with SEAS)
at the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies (VES)
VES 196R Directed Research: Studio Course
in the Harvard Department of English
Creative Writing Workshops (
at MIT
4.140J / MAS.863J How to Make (Almost) Anything
4.314/5 Advanced workshop in artistic practice and transdisciplinary research
11.236 Participatory Action Research (PAR) 1
Suggested Electives for Art, Design, and the Public Domain
Visual Culture
VIS-2481 Public Projection: Projection as a Tool for Expression and Communication in Public Space
HIS-4451 Materiality, Visual Culture, and Media
VIS-2344 Constructing Visual Narratives of Place
at the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies (VES)
AESTHINT 58 Modern Art and Modernity
VES 351HFA Film Study Center Non-Fiction Filmmaking Workshop
VES 196R Directed Research: Studio Course
at MIT
4.314/5 Advanced workshop in artistic practice and transdisciplinary research
Environment and the Public
DES-3369 Spaces of Solidarity
SES-5497 Public Space
DES-3348 The Idea of Environment
DES-3333 Culture, Conservation and Design
DES-3358 An Unsentimental Look at Architecture and Social Craft
SES-5530 Healthy Places
HIS-4362 Structuring Urban Experience
at MIT
11.236 Participatory Action Research (PAR) 1
EDU S316 Art, Design, and Learning in Public Spaces
Harvard Kennedy School
DPI-218 Dissent and Disobedience in Democracies
DPI-391 Race, Inequality, and American Democracy
MLD-356M Public Narrative: Loss, Difference, Power, and Change
at VES
VES 197K Cinemas of Resistance: Political Filmmaking Across the Globe
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)
ENG-SCI 26 Humanity and its Challenges: Systems Thinking and Engineering Design Solutions
Design Tools and Technology
VIS-2446 Drawing for Designers: Techniques of Expression, Articulation, and Representation
SCI-6322 Mapping: Geographic Representation and Speculation
SCI-6317 Material Systems: Digital Design and Fabrication
SCI-6477 Nano Micro Macro: Adaptive Material Laboratory (with SEAS)
SCI-6360 Digital Fabrication and Robotics
in the Harvard Department of English
Creative Writing Workshops (
at MIT
4.140J / MAS.863J How to Make (Almost) Anything