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Michael Ezban (MLA ’13) presents at DredgeFest

This Friday, September 28, Michael Ezban (MLA 1 AP ’13) will be a panelist at the DredgeFest NYC symposium. Ezban was invited based on research and design work he produced with Jana Vandergoot (MLA 1 AP ’13) at the GSD. The 2-day gathering of policymakers, designers, theorists and industry experts presents the latest technology and interventions designed to deal with sediment production. 

Sep 24, 2012


Danish Kurani attends State Department dinner

In 2010 Danish Kurani (MAUD '13) was inducted into the U.S. State Department's “Generation Change,” recognizing the best and most innovative American Muslim leaders under the age of 30.  Last week Kurani attended a dinner reception hosted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to discuss building stronger relationships between the U.S. and the Muslim world.

Sep 23, 2012


GSD tourism club helps students getouttagund

The GSD Tourism Club led a walking tour of Jamaica Plain on Saturday, September 8, as this year’s first “getouttagund” program. The tours are one way the club sparks connections and debate about the social, economic, cultural, policy and planning issues related to tourism. 

Sep 17, 2012


GSD teams win Pruitt Igoe Now competition

Xiaowei R. Wang (MLA '13) and Heather Dunbar (MLA '13) were awarded first place in the competition to re-imagine the vacant Pruitt Igoe housing project in St. Louis, for their submission “St. Louis Ecological Production Line.” Third prize went to the Social Agency Lab for “The Fantastic Pruitt-Igoe!,” with a team including GSD students and alums. 

Sep 16, 2012