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GSD Appoints Three Faculty Members in the History of Landscape Architecture

Three significant appointments have been made in the history of landscape architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.  Dr. Sonja Duempelmann appointed Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Dr. Edward Eigen appointed Associate Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Dr. John Dixon Hunt appointed Visiting Professor of Landscape Architecture

Apr 23, 2012


Mitchell Joachim (MAUD ’02) featured in Dwell Magazine, the Now 99 issue

Mitchell Joachim, founder of Terreform, was featured in the May issue of Dwell Magazine for the Now 99- Today's Design Landscape: Ideas, People, Products & Plans. An interview with Diana Budds explores Joachim's designs for biologically based architecture as the future of housing. The published interview follows.

Apr 19, 2012


MoMA Exhibition to feature two faculty competition projects

The Young Architects Program is an annual collaboration between The Museum of Modern Art and MoMA PS1 that fosters innovative design research and promotes emerging talent. Five finalists for the PS1 courtyard design will be featured in an exhibition at MoMA this summer, including two entries by GSD faculty. 

Apr 18, 2012


Everett Fly (BArch ’75 and MLA ’77) working toward preserving Historic Black Towns

A recent feature in the University of Texas Alumni Magazine, The Alcalde, positions the work of Everett Fly (BArch '75 and MLA '77), a landscape architect from San Antonio, within the history of architectural preservation in America. Establishing his work in historic black communities and sites including Nicodemus, Kansas, and the Winks Panorama Lodge in Gilpin County, Colorado, the sole Rocky Mountain resort open to African-Americans between 1928 and 1960, Fly found himself in Eatonville, Florida, one of the most significant towns in black history.

Apr 18, 2012


Re-imagining Cape Cod’s Hatch Cottage in film

A group of GSD students will spend this semester documenting, researching and re-imagining the Hatch Cottage on Cape Cod. With professors Mark Mulligan and Chris Hoxie, the students are producing a film documenting the cottage and landscape's past, present and possible futures, includes footage shot on site, archival photos and extensive digital animation. 

Apr 18, 2012


Jinhee Park and John Hong of SsD win quadruple AIA Awards

SsD, the firm led by Jinhee Park (Design Critic in Architecture) and John Hong (Adjunct Associate Professor) won four AIA awards for recent work: The White Block Gallery, featured in Metropolis Magazine, won both a regional AIA New England Design Award as well as an Honor Award for Design Excellence from the Boston Society of Architects (BSA). 8 Towers, part of the Ordos 100 project, andIsland of Water, a landscape urbanism project in Incheon, Korea both won BSA Unbuilt Architecture Awards with the latter project taking the highest Honor Award in that category.

Apr 16, 2012


GSD’s first Distinguished Executive in Residence for the REAI will be Gerald D. Hines

Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) has announced that its first Distinguished Executive in Residence for the Real Estate Academic Initiative (REAI) will be Gerald D. Hines, the internationally renowned real estate developer. Two conversations will be held on Wednesday, April 18 at the GSD: Creative Collaboration:  An Overview of the Hines and Robert A.M. Stern Architects Project Portfolio at 1:00 p.m. and Evolution of an Investment Builder: How a House Renovation in 1956 Lead to the Creation of a Global Firm at 6:00 p.m.

Apr 16, 2012


GSD team to participate at the Bocconi University Urban Campus international competition

A GSD team has been invited by the Politecnico di Milano to participate at the Bocconi University “Urban Campus” International Competition. Led by Professor Joan Busquets and  Professor Hashim Sarkis, the design team includes Stefano Andreani (MDesS ’13), Federico de Molfetta (MDesS ’13), and Xing Xiong (MArch II ’12) and will compete with nine international teams.

Apr 16, 2012


Article by Dan Weissman (MDesS ’12) on [Re]Building Port-au-Prince

An article by Dan Weissman (MDesS '12) on his experiences in Haiti was published in Gobal Post. Since February 2011 he has been involved in a series of reconstruction projects that are a collaboration between the GSD, MIT’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning, and various NGOs, government agencies and corporate entities throughout the Port-au-Prince region. Over the course of six trips to the city, the team continues to engage in projects ranging from small architecture and urban design to macro-scale territorial planning, water and landscape management projects. 

Apr 16, 2012