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Design Robotics Group featured in reports from Smartgeometry 2012

The Design Robotics Group has been prominently featured in the reports from Smartgeometry 2012 at RPI in Troy, New York. The group was selected to lead a cluster on Ceramics 2.0, an outgrowth of research in the course Material Processes and Systems: CeramicsLAB.  The theme of this year's conference was "Material Intensities -Simulation, Energy, Environment," and its first day was structured in clusters to promote collaborative work across multiple disciplines, rather than one-directional information. Ceramics 2.0 was one of the "material research" clusters, creating custom bricks with a robot.

May 18, 2012


Zofnass Program develops new tool for measuring environmental impact

A diverse project team of Harvard experts led by Spiro Pollalis, GSD professor and director of the Zofnass Program, and Andreas Georgoulias, GSD Lecturer and Zofnass Research Director, has released a tool for evaluating infrastructure projects of all types and sizes based on environmental, economic, and community benefits. Read the full article in the Harvard Gazette.

May 9, 2012


Zofnass and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure launch Envision framework

The Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) have launched Envision, a framework for evaluating infrastructure projects. The system takes what ISI calls a holistic view, touching on quality of life, resource allocation, impacts on ecosystems and climate, and issues of risk and leadership. Project owners and design teams can use a self-assessment tool or can submit the project for third-party verification, which includes evaluation of the project during three phases: pre-construction, construction, and operations and maintenance. Future versions of the rating system will also incorporate additional tools for complex or multi-stage projects. 

May 3, 2012


Rosetta Elkin Awarded 2012- 2013 Daniel Urban Kiley Fellowship

Rosetta Elkin, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, is the recipient of the Daniel Urban Kiley Teaching Fellowship in Landscape Architecture for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Fellowship is awarded competitively on an annual basis, and is intended to recognize and foster emerging design educators whose work embodies the potentials for landscape as a medium of design in the public realm. A jury comprised of leading figures from the Harvard GSD faculty including the incumbent Kiley Fellow took part in the selection process. The Daniel Urban Kiley Fellowship builds upon the GSD’s history of pedagogic innovation as well as the Department of Landscape Architecture’s century of leadership in landscape education.

May 2, 2012