New Geographies 08: Island
Edited by Daniel Daou and Pablo Pérez-Ramos
“Everything is connected to everything else” is the unofficial slogan of our times. But is it really, and, if so, is it desirable? New Geographies 08 explores the geo philosophic notion of boundaries, and, in so doing, proposes new limits for the island master metaphor, bolsters the agency of design in an entangled world, and suggests the basis for a reinvigorated universalism.
Marc Shell and Stefania Staniscia elaborate on “Islandology” and “Islandness.” Robin MacKay and MAP Office provide a timeline and an atlas of islands as laboratories for empirical and thought experiments. Cary Wolfe and Timothy Morton debate whether the world is more like an archipelago or an iceberg. Nina Samuel and Stefan Helmreich discuss the implications of rendering islands visible or invisible. Anita Berrizbeitia, Stan Allen, and Douglas Spencer ponder form and process. Formlessfinder, Roland Snooks, and Neyran Turan explore islandness in design. Kees Lokman and Susan Herrington, Alexander Felson, and Milica Topalovic provide examples of islands as crossscalar tools from gardens to cities to territories. Joyce Hsiang and Bimal Mendis, Roi Salgueiro Barrio, Hashim Sarkis, and Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy speculate on potential new limits of the island metaphor.
Featuring work by: Tania Álvarez Zaldívar, Neeraj Bhatia, Andrea Branzi, Edward Burtynsky, Luis Callejas, Gilles Clement, DOGMA, Olafur Eliasson, Yona Friedman, Walter Herfst, Rem Koolhaas and Madelon Vriesendorp, Gabriel Kozlowski, Israel López Balán, Emma McNally, Jamie Mills, Mary Oliver, Piet Oudolf, Stephen Petegorsky, Bas Princen, Charles Ross, Rudi Sebastian, George Steinmetz, John Stephens, and Keith Tyson.
Published by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Fall 2016; distributed by Harvard University Press and for sale on Amazon.