Gifts & Grants
The Finance Office assists in processing new gifts and grants to GSD. Like other Harvard schools, GSD is dependent on gifts and grants, and has a fiduciary responsibility to the donors and sponsors to spend funds in accordance with the fund terms, which requires that monies be carefully tracked in Harvard’s fund accounting system.
Contact the Finance Office or the Development Office if you have questions regarding the categorization of new income to the GSD.
PI Dashboard
Harvard’s PI Dashboard is a post-award management system that provides a financial reporting tool for Harvard’s research community with both sponsored and non-sponsored funds.
Click here to access the PI Dashboard. Please note the application requires Harvard VPN to access.
Design Studio and Program Support
Most external financial support for GSD Design Studios, Exhibitions, and other Programs is processed as gifts. In order to document and monitor these funds, GSD has created the following forms.
Gift, Endowment, and Sponsored Funds
Most gift and endowment fundraising is done by the GSD Development Office, working with the Harvard Recording Secretary’s Office (RSO).
New Fund Process and Form (Excel)
Harvard’s Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) processes all sponsored research grants. For information about the grant submission process, please contact, Anne Mathew, Director of Research Administration (617) 496-1774.
Office for Sponsored Programs
Grant Rates
Grants typically have an indirect cost line item in the budget to cover administrative expenses. The link below provides information and current rates for federal grants. For these purposes, GSD is part of the University area. Non-federal indirect cost rates are a minimum of 20% on non-federal grants.
The fringe benefit rate schedule in the link below applies to all GSD grants, both federal and non-federal.