CREATE for Alumni
Alumni are able to access the GSD job database as job seekers or employers. Log on to CREATE to view current opportunities or post open positions at your firm. This is a great way to network with the GSD community and connect with students.
How to Utilize CREATE: As a Job Seeker
Your CREATE account will remain active as a GSD alumnus/alumna after you graduate. Alumni can view jobs and schedule counseling appointments with Career Counselors.
On the CREATE landing page, select “Student/Alumni” then log on with your HarvardKey.
Alumni can claim their HarvardKey at the Harvard Alumni website. This process is managed centrally by Harvard. If you have questions about the HarvardKey process, please contact the Harvard Alumni Association.
How to Utilize CREATE: As an Employer
You will first need to register a profile as an employer. If you do not already have a profile, please see our Employers page for instructions.
When entering a job on CREATE, consider selecting the option to display your “Contact Information” to students. This will give interested candidates the opportunity to reach out to you directly to ask questions about your firm/the position and establish a meaningful GSD connection.