Independent Study COURSE FULL – Creating a Simple Book INT-00007-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2013
Independent Study Nation-building: Beirut, Damascus, Istanbul INT-00006-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2016
Independent Study A Project a Day: Architectural Tours INT-00006-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study LEED Certification Preparation – FULL INT-00006-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study CANCELLED – English as a Second Language Workshop (session 2) INT-00006-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2013
Independent Study Designing data graphics: a return to the basics – CANCELED INT-00005-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2016
Independent Study SALT: Borrow Less. Borrow Smart. Repay Well – CANCELLED INT-00005-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Basic Web Sites Building and WordPress – FULL INT-00005-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2014
Independent Study CANCELLED – English as a Second Language Workshop (session 1) INT-00005-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2013
Independent Study Ruin Your Project – CANCELED INT-00004-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2016