Joan Busquets: A New Metropolitan Entrance for Barcelona
As in the past, entrances to most cities come by way of roads, and usually…
As in the past, entrances to most cities come by way of roads, and usually…
The landscape architectural firm of Innocenti & Webel was founded in 1931 in a moment…
Fifty years ago a landmark conference at Harvard University established urban design as a distinct…
De Lantong residential project by architect Frits van Dongen, on a large central dike of…
The things here are products of fantastic clients, not with great budgets, but with great…
Inséparables de la marche en avant des sociétés industrielles, les progrès de l’ingénierie des structures…
Edited by Tim Richardson One of the most exciting and popular designers working in the…
Jusqu'au milieu du XIXe Siècle, l'ingénieur se forme au dessin et au lavis comme un…
Publication based on the studio offered in fall 2005 at the Graduate School of Design.
Délégation à l’action artistique de la ville de Paris, 1988 Caisse nationale des monuments historiques…