Learning from Susan Fainstein: Do planners have a responsibility to fight for social equity?
Susan Fainstein’s ideas for the “just city” crystallized in the 1960s and ’70s, during a…
Susan Fainstein’s ideas for the “just city” crystallized in the 1960s and ’70s, during a…
America is on the cusp of a senior housing crisis. As the baby-boom generation enters…
The American Society of Landscape Architects has honored six projects by nine Harvard University Graduate School of…
Bauhaus and the City Master in Design Studies Colloquium celebrates 100 years of urban…
by Isabel Preciado (MLA ‘19), Annie H. Lynch (MLA ‘19), and Sarah Diamond(MLA ‘19). The production…
Susan S. Fainstein is a Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in the…
By the time Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. founded the world’s first landscape architecture program at…
From left to right: Jon Gray, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Arthur Mamou-Mani, Lonneke Gordjin, Alexander Groves,…
UPDATE, 10/18/19: The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) has awarded the project Mobility As Equality:…
Soledad Patiño (MAUD ’20) describes her final project for the option studio “Extreme Urbanism…