Design Critic, Lecturer, Instructor Appointments
Design Critic / Lecturer
One-year to five-year fixed terms (both).
The positions of design critic and lecturer are intended for individuals pursuing careers in professional practice or other endeavors related to fields of study at the school who will provide studio instruction in the case of design critics and non-studio instruction in the case of lecturers. The positions are reserved for individuals with proven competence in their areas of specialty. Individuals are normally appointed on a part-time or full-time basis for a term ranging from one year to a maximum of five years. Part-time normally means teaching responsibilities not less than one-quarter nor more than one-half the teaching load of full-time faculty.
An individual holding this position is an officer of the university and a non-voting member of the Faculty of Design. A design critic or lecturer may hold an existing academic appointment at another institution at the time of appointment to the Faculty of Design provided that the sum of all appointments does not exceed one full-time position. Once appointed, accepting an academic appointment or reappointment at another institution requires the approval of the dean.
Process for appointment
Annual appointments:
Appointments and reappointments of part-time or full-time design critics and lecturers for terms up to one year require review and recommendation by the department chair.
Although a search is not required for annual design critic and lecturer appointments, a reasonable effort must be made to meet the GSD’s affirmative action policy and, more broadly, the school’s commitment to greater diversity and inclusivity.
Reappointments (up to a maximum of 10 years):
For reappointments, the review and recommendation by the department chair will include consideration of an updated CV, teaching evaluations, and other relevant factors that bear upon a reappointment. The chair may also elect to solicit feedback from senior colleagues.
Multi-year appointments:
Appointments of part-time or full-time design critics and lecturers for terms of more than one year require recommendation by the department chair, review by the departmental senior faculty, and approval by the dean.
Multi-year design critic and lecturer positions may be advertised and applications considered by the department chair and/or a small committee composed of departmental senior faculty; proposed appointments will be reviewed by the departmental senior faculty.
If a candidate for a multi-year design critic or lecturer appointment is proposed by the department chair without a formal search, the department chair shall obtain a letter of interest from the candidate, the candidate’s CV, and at the discretion of the department chair up to three evaluation letters for review by the departmental senior faculty, followed by submission of the proposed appointment to the dean.
Multi-year appointments are typically made for a three-year term with a possible two-year extension for a maximum term permitted of five years.
A multi-year design – critic or lecturer may be considered for extension of their appointment up to a maximum of five years, with such consideration normally to take place in the fall semester of their last year of the appointment. The candidate shall submit an updated CV, their Faculty Activity Report for the prior year, and teaching evaluations. The chair may also elect to solicit feedback from senior colleagues. Extensions require recommendation by the department chair and review by the departmental senior faculty if requested by any of its members. Notice to members of the departmental senior faculty that an extension is being proposed may take place by email or phone, as long as such communication permits sufficient time for review by the departmental senior faculty. The candidate will normally be notified in writing of the School’s decision by January 1.
A multi-year design critic or lecturer may be considered for reappointment to a second term of up to five years, with such consideration normally to take place in the fall semester of their last year of the existing appointment. The candidate shall submit an updated CV, their Faculty Activity Report for the prior year, and teaching evaluations. Reappointments require recommendation by the department chair and review by the department senior faculty if requested by any of its members. Notice to members of the departmental senior faculty that an extension is being proposed may take place by email or phone, as long as such communication permits sufficient time for review by the departmental senior faculty. Reviews for a second term are to be conducted during the fall semester of the final year of the term with written notification to the candidate by January 1.
Term Limits for Design Critics and Lecturers, whether Annual or Multi-year:
Reappointments of design critics and lecturers beyond 10 years of cumulative consecutive or non-consecutive service in all positions held in the school, for terms not to exceed three years, shall require a Senior Faculty Council finding of “exceptional School need.” The bases for such a finding are (a) that the appointee in question is virtually irreplaceable as an instructor in an area essential to the School’s curriculum, or (b) that the appointee in question is such a superb instructor, ranking among the very best in the School, that the School’s ability to recruit a comparable replacement is highly doubtful. A Senior Faculty Council finding of “exceptional School need” requires approval by at least fifty percent of the entire senior faculty in residence during the semester in question.
A part-time appointment of any duration in any one year counts as a full year of service for purposes of reappointments and extensions.
Maximum one-year fixed term, with possibility of one additional one-year fixed term under special circumstances.
The position of instructor is intended for individuals pursuing academic careers who are qualified to offer instruction but are not yet qualified for appointments as assistant professor, assistant professor in practice, design critic, or lecturer. A current student in good standing in a doctoral program who has satisfactorily “passed to candidacy” by completing general exams may be appointed on a half-time or less basis while completing the dissertation, for a term not less than one module and not greater than one academic year. Only one reappointment may be made, for a maximum time of two years. An individual who is not a student in any degree program at Harvard may be appointed on a full- or part-time basis for a term not less than one module and not greater than one academic year. Only one reappointment may be made for a maximum time of two years. A part-time appointment of any duration in any one year is counted as one year for purposes of reappointments. An individual holding this position is an officer of the university. Doctoral students who are instructors should not attend department meetings due to their status as students and the conflicts that such status may present.
Process for Appointment
Appointments and reappointments require recommendation by the department chair, review by the departmental senior faculty if requested by any of its members, and approval by the dean. Notice to members of the departmental senior faculty may be accomplished by phone, email, or regular mail, as long as it allows sufficient time for review by the departmental senior faculty convened in a meeting if requested. Although a search is not required, a reasonable effort must be made to meet the GSD’s affirmative action policy.