Visiting Professor / Visiting Associate Professor / Visiting Assistant Professor (non-voting)

Maximum two-year fixed term.


The positions of visiting professor, visiting associate professor, and visiting assistant professor are intended for individuals who hold continuing academic ladder appointments with the titles of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor at other institutions. These individuals should be on full or partial leaves from their home institutions to teach at the GSD. A full- or part-time appointment may be made for a period not greater than two continuous academic years with “visiting” added to the titles they hold at their home institutions. A part-time appointment of any duration in any one year is equivalent to one full year of service. 

Process for Appointment 

Appointment to a visiting position requires recommendation by the department chair, approval of the dean, and approval of the provost. Although a search is not required, reasonable efforts should be made to meet the GSD’s affirmative action policy.