Topic Art Practices

Among the remarkable developments in contemporary culture has been the convergence of practices that once unambiguously belonged to art or design but which today happily share methods, means, and concerns.


exhibition dates: APR 1 – APR 24, 2022

Sumayyah Raji, Lead curator/concept direction
Dora Mugerwa, Co-curator
Tobi Fagbule, Design contributor
Rania Karamallah, Africagsd logo + branding
Miguel Lantigua Inoa and Olufemi Olamijulo, Africagsd logo + branding

Harvard Design Magazine


Harvard Design Magazine 49: Publics questions how public spaces—the physical, the cultural, and the theoretical—operate…

By Anita Berrizbeitia, Diane Davis, Toni L. Griffin, Daniel D’Oca, Sara Zewde, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Malkit Shoshan, George Thomas, Susan Snyder, Alex Krieger and Silvia Benedito

January 2022