Topic Materials


GSD alumni win honor for Mexico World Expo proposal

A team of GSD alumni was awarded Honorable Mention in the competition for the Mexican Pavilion in the World Expo Milan 2015. Manuel Diaz (MArch '13), Marcela Delgado (MArch '11), Emmet Truxes (MArch '13) and Elena Tudela (MAUD '12) collaborated to earn the honor.

Apr 28, 2014


Sara Hendren enabling

Two projects by Sara Hendren (MDesS ‘13, researcher in the Program on Art and the Public Domain and fellow at metaLAB) are included in Disabled by Normality, an exhibit opening this week  at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague.

May 23, 2013


GSD students look to the future of spatial practices

GSD students will display the wide range of the school's research when Penn State holds its 1st "Nature of Spatial Practices" conference this Friday. The conference will examine how spatial practice, education and political discourse are responding to recent changes in technology, mobility and socio-cultural patterns.

Jan 30, 2013