A. Hashim Sarkis, Panagiotis Michalatos, Danielle Etzler, Florian Idenburg, Eric Höweler, Ingeborg Rocker, Sanford Kwinter, Felipe Correa, Allen Sayegh, Jorge Silvetti, Toshiko Mori, Preston Scott Cohen, Mack Scogin
Fall 2012
Department of Architecture
Advanced Research Seminar
12 Credits
Richard T.T. Forman, Diane Davis, Neil Brenner, Panagiotis Michalatos, Joyce Klein-Rosenthal, Michael Hooper, Holly Samuelson, Christoph Reinhart, Jana Cephas, Timothy Hyde, Gareth Doherty, Sanford Kwinter, Kiel Moe, Andrew Witt, K. Michael Hays, Miho Mazereeuw, Allen Sayegh
8 Credits
Department of Landscape Architecture